Category: Illustrations

  • Illustration: Super Girl

    (This blog post was originally shared on my design + illustration portfolio site at  My new friend Alicia recently shared this quote on Instagram: “And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire; and not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her…

  • Illustration: Halloween

    Illustration: Halloween

    I was going to say… I haven’t done an illustration in FOR-EVER but then I realized that’s not true. I actually created a series of FOUR illustrations of women in tech for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Tech–a conference of 18,000 women working in technology. I also attended the conference (my first work…

  • Illustration: Morning Coffee

    Originally posted on my portfolio site at  On one hand, this girl COULD be a new mom, based on the way she’s gripping a face-sized cup of coffee and the slightly dazed expression. On the other, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most new moms aren’t wearing cute crop…