Category: Baby

  • Month 1 with Hudson: Part 3

    I have to admit I find it far easier to write about how it’s going with Hudson’s eating or sleeping than to try to organize my thoughts around recovery, the emotional rollercoaster that is new mama-hood, and what life is like with Hudson here and such a huge part of it. But let’s give it…

  • Month 1 with Hudson: Part 2

    Apparently I have a lot to say about surviving one month with a newborn, so I’m breaking this update into parts. Here’s the update on eating. Now let’s talk about mama’s favorite subject: sleep. Ahhhh, sleep. I’m surprised to report that I’m functioning better than I thought possible on such small spurts of sleep. I think…

  • Month 1 with Hudson: Part 1

    Apparently I have a lot to say about surviving one month with a newborn, so I’m breaking this update into parts, starting with Hudson’s personal favorite subject: eating. I’m sure all new mamas say this, but HOW, how is it his one month birthday?! The last month has flown by in a whirlwind of diapers,…